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3 things you need to succeed as a freelance copywriter

Posted: January 7th, 2021, 3:22 pm
by SARubin
Of course you need the ability to write. And you need the ability to sell your ideas to other people.

But there are 3 things few courses, books, or gurus ever mention about how to be a successful copywriter.

So if no one has told you about them before... let me be the first...

1. You need intense curiosity...

We need to stay curious and always have a burning desire to learn new things.

Because if you're not curious about products, people, and markets - then you're going to get bored writing about products to people in the market.

And boredom is one step removed from burnout.

2. You need a strong work ethic...

We can spend an hour working, or we can spend that same hour slacking off. Which one do you think will lead to success?

There are times when we'd all rather do something (anything) besides work. And taking a break is a good way to rejuvenate ourselves.

But when a job needs to be done, and there's nobody behind us cracking a whip, we still need to get the job done. Otherwise whoever is paying you will find someone else to do the job.

3. You MUST have resilience...

You need to find the capacity within yourself to bounce back from failures, even big ones.

Shit happens. No matter how long you've been doing this job you can, and will, make the wrong choice sometimes. It could be working with the wrong client, picking the wrong project, or screwing up the right project.

Sometimes it's not your fault. Sometimes it is.

But either way, you can't allow failure to define you. You must learn from it, brush it off, and get back in the game until your next success. Then you can allow the success to define you.

Re: 3 things you need to succeed as a freelance copywriter

Posted: January 21st, 2021, 9:39 pm
by WordyWordpecker
#2 is the hardest one for me. Especially if there's any distractions in the room