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A few short parables for business (and life?)

Posted: May 3rd, 2019, 9:54 am
by SARubin
A few short parables for business (and life?)…

Be Persistent:

Two sales professionals were talking about their day. The first sales rep looked up and said…

“I had a lousy day. I called 50 people and didn’t make a single sale.”

The second sales rep said…

“I had a great day. I called 50 people and didn’t make a single sale either… But then I called the 51st person and closed a $1,000,000 contract.”

The moral: Try one more time. Because success may be closer than you think.

Be flexible and willing to adapt:

A marketer signed up for a freelance site to sell his services. After a few months he wasn’t making any money, so he joined a different freelance site.

A couple months later he still wasn’t making any money. So he joined a social media platform.

Many months later he still wasn’t making enough to live on. So he tried a different marketing approach.

Within a short time he attracted many high paying clients, and was on his way to earning 6 figures a year.

The moral: If things aren’t working out the way you want, try a different approach until you find what does work for you.

Never stop learning:

There’s an old adage that says…

“One definition of insanity is doing the the same thing over and over, while expecting to get different results”

But the world is constantly changing at an ever increasing rate. And what worked yesterday, might not work tomorrow.

So there’s a new adage that says…

“One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, while constantly expecting to get the same results”

The moral: The world is moving forward (with or without you). And if you’re not learning new things to keep up, then you’re not standing still… You’re falling behind.

FEAR is the real root of all evil:

This one doesn’t have a story. It’s just something to think about…