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[Critique Needed] Ad copy for web design agency

Posted: April 20th, 2024, 7:34 pm
by habeebAde
Context: The copy is for a Facebook ad for a web design agency looking to start up conversations with potential customers and get them to book a call or just sign them as a client through the DMs.

Ad Headline: Get A Unique Website For A Crazily Low Price.

Ad Headline 2: Crazily Upgrade Your Small Biz with a $149 website

Ad Headline 3: This $149 Website Will 2X Your Biz Revenue

Body copy:

Can't reach potential customers outside your local area as a small business owner?

Or have you been struggling to put yourself out there and generate consistent leads and sales for your business?

Or you don't know how to position your business as an authority in your niche so you can get buyers who trust you?

For real, we know what it's like.

It can be frustrating.

It can make you feel overwhelmed, stuck and like you're failing in business.

As you work harder, later, earlier, longer, on your biz…

You still are not satisfied with the results you're getting.

But don't get sad…

Because we have something huge for ya.

Perhaps it's “a way”...

A way to escape the never ending struggle to reach a wider audience.

A way to generate consistent traffic, leads, and sales for your business.

A way to show your credibility to potential customers.

A way to tap into “online money” in your small business.

A way to become unique and stand out from your competitors.

So what's this way?

A uniquely-designed and high-converting website.

Yeah, that's right.

I've not seen anyone get a quality website and then regret having it (because it works).

You see, at Top Web Design US, our goal is to make you a website that oozes professionalism and speaks highly of your brand.

And all you have to do to get us to help you with the website…

Is to click the "Send Message” button below this ad and send us a message and we'd talk about how we could help you.

And again, we're only doing this for a ridiculously low price of $149 for a very short time.

We're planning to increase the price soon (cos people literally do this for $2k).

Which is why you should hurry up and send us a DM now to talk about how we can help you with a great website.

See you in the DMs.

Re: [Critique Needed] Ad copy for web design agency

Posted: April 22nd, 2024, 7:58 pm
by SARubin
Hey habeebAde,
Welcome to the copywriters forum.

I don't work with facebook ads so I don't know all of facebooks' rules and policies about what they will, or will not allow in advertising.

But I can still help you out here with some general copy tips...

Of course the first question is, what do you know about your market?

Looking at your copy it's clearly targeting small business owners, but do they even know they need a website? What's the market awareness of your audience?

Do they have a website that needs an upgrade? (for the record, these people are easier to sell to)

Learn as much as you can about the market because it will help bring focus to your copy.
Knowing our market intimately helps us tailor our copy to that group specifically.

Get back to me on who your target market is and then we can take a look at your copy, starting with your headlines...

All the best,

Re: [Critique Needed] Ad copy for web design agency

Posted: May 18th, 2024, 9:46 am
by LucasCepeda
Hi there

Congratz on your facebook ad copy.

I would like to give you my two cents, you can do what you like with it.

This is just my feedback:

I think the offer its scattered and its trying to reach to many different market segments.

Do you want clients that want to seem more credible?
Or clients that want to have nicer design?
Or clients that want to generate more leads?

I would clarify my market first, and then adapt my offer to it.

Ad Headline: Get A Unique Website For A Crazily Low Price.
Note: What do I need to understand by unique? make it more specific...

Ad Headline 2: Crazily Upgrade Your Small Biz with a $149 website
Note: what do you mean by upgrade? Design? Features?

Ad Headline 3: This $149 Website Will 2X Your Biz Revenue
Note: seems counterintuitive that 149 can double my business and sounds a bit unbelievable.
I think promising to double your revenue is a difficult promise to attain. As if you focus maybe on leads it sounds more plausible.

For example: See How This $149 Website Can Double Your Leads - Guaranteed!

If you put all your might into 1 pain/problem, your headline can bring more punch and specificity
and your body copy will be shorter and punchier as well.

Just my two cents.