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How to identify and write to the prospects biggest emotions and motivators

Posted: April 18th, 2021, 10:35 am
by SARubin
So I was just re-watching the 2nd Clayton Makepeace tribute video from this post - Clayton Makepeace Tribute

And I thought I'd jot down a few notes to share with anyone who hasn't seen it yet...

Within the first few minutes of the video my hand was already cramping from holding the pen too tight as I feverishly took notes.

Kim Krause Schwalm reflects on some of what Clayton taught her, and the first lesson is about "How to identify and write to the prospects biggest emotions and motivators".

But Instead of just turning features into benefits, like most people preach, Kim shares Clayton's 5 step "features into core benefits" exercise.
This is when we dig deeper than mere surface benefits and we "dimentionalize" the benefits.

First we think about what it actually looks like in the persons life, once they have the advantage of the benefit.

Next we identify what dominant emotion is attached to that feeling.

That's the emotion we're writing to.

We dig up 4 or 5 dominant emotions that relate to how our customer feels using our product and rank them in order of how powerful they are.
The strongest first, is the order of flow to our copy.

That's just what I learned in the first 5 minutes of this 25 minute video. And it gets even better from there.

Powerful stuff...