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Here are five ways you can use free writing

Posted: November 6th, 2022, 5:33 am
by Ansarulit11
You can use a word count (the higher the better), a deadline, or a timer. I free write with the Pomodoro Technique. To do this, I set a timer on my computer for 25 minutes, disconnect from the Internet, and write without interruption. When the timer sounds, I take a four-minute break. After four of these sessions, I take a longer break. Then, and only then, do I evaluate and fact-check my writing. Write the way you think I’ve read many business books, mission statements, and articles, and I’m always struck by how certain authors hide behind jargon, acronyms, and business terms. It’s as if business writers are often afraid of revealing themselves to the reader. But great writers succeed because they can communicate in everyday language.

When you free write, keep it conversational. Get the raw yolk onto the page. And if your natural thoughts are in business jargon, eliminate this kind of language from your work when you write your second or third draft. Write your thoughts Free writing isn’t the time for editing, so jot down random ideas, swear words, and off-topic points. If you get interrupted while free writing, write down that you were interrupted. If you hear a dog barking on the street and you remember that you need to feed your dog, write that down too. And if you think of an idea that has nothing to do with your current project, follow your train of thought. These tangents are often the key to original, innovative work.

Express the same idea in multiple ways In his book, Levy describes this approach as “trying easy.” If you want to “try easy,” go back to your last idea and write it in a different way or from a different angle. Expressing your idea multiple times can help you clarify it — and it’s more productive than sitting around waiting for inspiration. Now that we’ve covered the basics of free writing, it’s time to put it into practice. your content marketing goals. 1. Free write your unique selling proposition Every smart business has a unique selling proposition (USP). Once you communicate the factors that make you different from your competitors, it’s easier to market and sell your products and service.