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Keeping your workplace organized

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Keeping your workplace organized

Post by SARubin »

How do you keep your workspace organized?

Of course when I say “organized” that doesn’t necessarily mean tidy or completely un-cluttered.

Some people tell us to keep your workplace tidy, because a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind. But if that’s true, then what’s an empty desk a sign of?

For many of us creatives, the world looks a bit different than it does for the rest of society. We see things in a more abstract way, and we live in a world of colors that don’t exist for the average person.

So if tidy and completely un-cluttered works for you, then great… go with it.

But for those of us who have a bit more ADHD, “un-cluttered” can be an elusive creature. One we've heard about, but we can’t personally verify it’s existence. (like the Lochness monster, or Bigfoot)

So from one abstract minded, ADHD infused, (possibly insane) creative person, to another… I simply mean “organized” in a way that keeps things where you can find them, when you need them.

For example…

Put I put my swipe files in a place where I know I can find them. (like always on the same shelf in the bookcase, or in the same folder on my computer)

If you want to take it a step further you can separate your “headline” swipes, from your “lede” swipes and your “call to action” swipes, etc.

I put them in separate folders, but they’re all in the same general area. So when I’m working on a project and need a bit of inspiration, I know where to find what I’m looking for.

Of course you can organize your workspace whichever way works best for you.

I have a friend who separates her swipe files by genre. So all her “health” swipes are on one shelf, separated by niche (supplements in one folder, weight-loss in another folder, exercise equipment in a different folder, etc.).

I guess my only point with this little rant is to recommend that every new copywriter should find a way to organize their workspace. Because when you’re working on a project, and you need to find just the right tool to help you get the job done… That’s not the time to wonder where you put it.

So how do you organize your workspace…?
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SARubin - Direct Response Copywriter / Conversion Flow Expert
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Re: Keeping your workplace organized

Post by sebastian35554 »

SARubin wrote: April 18th, 2019, 11:17 am How do you keep your workspace organized?

Of course when I say “organized” that doesn’t necessarily mean tidy or completely un-cluttered.

Some people tell us to keep your workplace tidy, because a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind. But if that’s true, then what’s an empty desk a sign of?

For many of us creatives, the world looks a bit different than it does for the rest of society. We see things in a more abstract way, and we live in a world of colors that don’t exist for the average person.

So if tidy and completely un-cluttered works for you, then great… go with it.

But for those of us who have a bit more ADHD, “un-cluttered” can be an elusive creature. One we've heard about, but we can’t personally verify it’s existence. (like the Lochness monster, or Bigfoot)

So from one abstract minded, ADHD infused, (possibly insane) creative person, to another… I simply mean “organized” in a way that keeps things where you can find them, when you need them.

For example…

Put I put my swipe files in a place where I know I can find them. (like always on the same shelf in the bookcase, or in the same folder on my computer)

If you want to take it a step further you can separate your “headline” swipes, from your “lede” swipes and your “call to action” swipes, etc.

I put them in separate folders, but they’re all in the same general area. So when I’m working on a project and need a bit of inspiration, I know where to find what I’m looking for.

Of course you can organize your workspace whichever way works best for you.

I have a friend who separates her swipe files by genre. So all her “health” swipes are on one shelf, separated by niche (supplements in one folder, weight-loss in another folder, exercise equipment in a different folder, etc.).

I guess my only point with this little rant is to recommend that every new copywriter should find a way to organize their workspace. Because when you’re working on a project, and you need to find just the right tool to help you get the job done… That’s not the time to wonder where you put it.

So how do you organize your workspace…?
I completely understand where you're coming from. As a fellow creative person, I know that organization can sometimes be a challenge. Finding a system that works for you is key. For me, maintaining a tidy workspace isn't always the top priority, but I do have a few strategies to keep things organized and easily accessible.

Firstly, I rely heavily on digital organization. I create folders on my computer, categorizing files based on projects or themes. This way, when I need to locate something specific, I can easily navigate through the folders and find what I'm looking for. Keeping a consistent naming convention also helps me stay organized.

Additionally, I make use of physical organizers. I have a designated shelf or drawer where I keep essential items like notebooks, pens, and other tools within arm's reach. Having a designated spot for these items ensures that they are always readily available when I need them.

Furthermore, I utilize sticky notes or a whiteboard to jot down important tasks, deadlines, or ideas. This visual reminder helps me stay on track and prioritize my work effectively.
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