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Why I Choose to be a Freelance Writer

Posted: December 17th, 2022, 3:16 pm
by ArticleWriter
As a freelance writer, I'm able to choose the type of work that best fits my lifestyle and my interests. And I can set my own hours, which allows me to have flexibility with my income because I work whenever I feel comfortable doing so.

As a freelance writer I also enjoy not having a boss breathing down my neck. But don't think that being a freelance writer means freedom from accountability. Freedom comes with a price. And that price is self discipline.
When you accept a client's request, you assume responsibility for delivering what was agreed upon.

If becoming a freelance writer appeals to you, here are a few tips to get you started on your path to freelance writing success:


How To Get Started With Your Freelance Writing Career

Start By Building An Online Presence

Your first step in getting hired as a freelance writer is building a solid online portfolio.

Since you will be representing yourself and your abilities, you should establish a professional website and create a profile that showcases your skills and expertise.

Next, sign up on freelance sites

There are many dozens of freelance sites available for you to choose from. Google "freelance writing sites" and you will be presented with more platforms than you could ever need.

You begin by registering with sites that recruit writers. Once you've created your account you should fill in your profile so potential clients can see your credentials.

When someone posts a job on the site you can contact them and offer your service. At this time you'll enter a hiring process where you meet with potential clients and negotiate compensation rates. After that, you start working!

Types Of Freelance Work

I prefer to write articles and blog posts, like this one, but there are several types of freelance writing opportunities you can choose from. Blog posts, articles, product descriptions, emails, website landing pages and advertisements, just to name a few.

You can choose to write the type of content that best fits your personality and writing style, or you can choose a niche and write different types of content on a particular topic.

You should choose the type of writing that fits your comfort level and your interests so you can quickly move up the ranks and establish yourself as a professional freelance writer.

How Much Can You Earn As A Freelance Writer?

As a freelance writer, you decide how many hours each week you're willing to work and what you charge per hour or per assignment.

Some freelancers make much more than others, and it usually depends on your abilities and reputation with the different platforms.
Some clients offer fixed rates, while others use a project-based system where you receive payment based on the projects completed.

At the beginning of your freelance writing career you may have to give customers a discount rate to build your reputation as a reliable freelance writer. Once you have a list of happy customers and testimonials, your reputation will allow you to charge more for your work.

So there you have it. The reason I choose to be a freelance writer, and a few tips to help you on your way to starting your own freelance writing career.

If you have any questions or comments, join in.

Re: Why I Choose to be a Freelance Writer

Posted: February 6th, 2023, 11:12 am
by johnhockey
No doubt, all students are not eligible to write their assignments. Therefore, they are forced to hire expert writers so that they may get online writing skills from them and also be able to complete their degrees. [link removed by moderator]