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3 simple writing tips that will make your website content more user friendly

Posted: November 16th, 2019, 12:21 pm
by AnnieJ
There’s a reason why so many webmasters and marketers say that content is king – it’s pretty much the bulk of most popular websites today. Without content nobody who visits your website is going to stick around for very long.
Here are some things to remember when you write content for your, or your clients website.

Write content for your niche but remain open ended

It’s a good idea to stick to your niche when writing content for your website. This lets your visitors know you are an authority in that niche.

But also remember your website will have all sorts of visitors, even those on the edge of your target audience. Your content should engage your primary audience, while maintaining flexibility towards secondary and fringe audiences, or those who simply happen to stumble upon your website.

This can invite more people to engage with your content, and possibly share it with others, bringing even more visitors to your site.

Don’t use too much jargon

When writing content for your website jargon is great for a closed group of people, and sometimes you want jargon. It’s that extra touch that lets people know you are part of their in-group.

But for everyone else, jargon, acronyms, and buzz words make your content more difficult to read and understand.

When you want to appeal to a larger audience, avoid using too much insider language or jargon. Make sure that your content is understandable even for those with less knowledge in your niche. You want to lift your visitors up, not leave them out of the conversation.

Less is often more

It is much better to just use simple words instead of more complex words when writing content. This helps your visitors understand clearly what you are saying, without getting confused or needing to look words up in the dictionary.

Also, shorter sentences that are quick and to the point are often better than long drawn out sentences. Today’s audiences have very short attention spans, and even if your content is well-thought-out, people may quickly lose interest in reading long run-on sentences.

When you make your content direct and on point your visitors can get the gist quickly. Then you can add references and links pointing them to more information, if they want to dig deeper.

Those are 3 simple writing tips that will make your website content more user friendly.
Do you have any other tips to add to this list? Please let us know 🙂

Re: 3 simple writing tips that will make your website content more user friendly

Posted: January 31st, 2020, 8:03 pm
by WordyWordpecker
I’ll add a fourth tip –

Write conversationally like talking to a friend in the same room.
Let your personality shine thru. Maybe not everyone will like your style but those who do will keep coming back, and they’ll tell their friends about you too.